Sunday, May 20, 2012

I know I know...

Okay, so I have been gone for a sorry.  Life for me has turned a bit upside down lately.  We have decided to sell our home and move due to the fact that we are planning on becoming foster parents and a bit more space could be useful.  Anyhow, blogging has slowed down
A. because I have been quite busy with moving stuff and
B. I haven't had to much creativity going on. All my stuff is getting put in boxes.
We have completed letter "C"; however, I have not gotten that posted yet.  I've been going really slow.  Sorry.

My reason for posting tonight is just an amazing thing God taught me today.  I love the way God works.  My husband and I are taking our churches membership classes.  Today they were talking about "quite times" etc... and the man that spoke did a nice job.  He keep hitting on a point that I knew well; although, I am very poor at applying like I should.  The point being, we need to TAKE TIME; BE STILL and BE QUITE and spend time with the God of the Universe.  How hard that is.  But WHY??? HE IS THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE!!!  I am bad a making time in a quite place where I can be still so I can not just talk to God, but truly have a conversation with Him, meaning I listen too.

Moving on to this evening as I was putting my boys to bed it was raining and thundering a bit and we were laying in bed listening with windows closed.  It wasn't raining hard and I was telling the boys that in order to hear the rain you need to lay still and be quiet.  As I was saying it, it hit me...Yeah, just like we need to do in order to hear God. What a great example it was to me.  God wants to have a conversation with us and wants us to delight in Him and spend time with him; but if we are to busy shifting around, talking and just not taking the time to listen to what He has to say we are missing out.  How often the noise of the world around us can also drown out Gods voice if we let it.  As we were listening to the rain, the air conditioning turned on and we couldn't hear the rain anymore.  Only if I would have turned it off could we have heard it.  I often feel like I can just "tune stuff out", but I need to realize I should just  turn it off or go somewhere else.  It also realized tonight it takes focus and concentration to listen to gentile rain.  I need to apply that to my quite time.  So often my mind wonders to so many different things because I am not focusing on Him, but on my needs, wants and what I think is important.

This was such a fun lesson to work through with the boys.  I tried to explain this to them as well as we were listing.  Telling them that we need to take time to be still before God and just listen.  I'm not sure how much soaked in, but I am excited to use this lesson again soon.  This summer I am going to start working through the Kids of Integrity information that was recommended to me by a friend of mine and I am going to begin with attentiveness, so what a great thing to bring back up to remind the kids about listening.  And what a great reminder for myself...

As I am going through this moving situation (I didn't really want to move, but apparently God wanted us to) I have been working through some serious emotions, so I really need to take this to heart and apply it daily to my life, not just through this situation, but continually!

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” 


About Me

wife to an incredible man; mom to 3 amazing boys; trying to live life joyfully; and loving my savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy crafting, decorating, cooking comfort food, planning parties & singing. I love, that I get to stay home to train up my little ones in the Lord, spending time with my husband, spending time with family and friends, spending time with God. I desire to be serving the Lord in all I do, discipling others as I continue to grow, be a fisher of men. Constantly trying to prioritize...and rejoicing in Him!