Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So, I'm ready to get the house in spring mode.  I'm ready to freshen up the place.  I have been starting my spring cleaning early and trying to figure out how I want to spruce up the decor around the place, so I'm starting to pinterest.  Here are a couple of things I have come across.
I'm liking the glass containers 

I'm also loving square wreaths and the handmade flowers

I also love the grass.  I think I would have to go with artificial though.

 I'm ready for spring...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fun Food

I was going to post another muffin recipe, but I haven't taken pictures of them yet, so it will have to wait. In the mean time, here are some fun things that I have made for the boys recently...
My oldest, who is in Kindergarten, usually eats hot lunch, but when he doesn't I try to make him something fun.  Here is a bologna sandwich with gold fish and blueberries & cucumbers.
This is the VERY YUMMY Creamy Hazelnut Dip I made the other night for Date Night.  Was it every good.  I highly recommend it!

This was actually my oldest's sons design.  He wanted a "silly snack" after school, with which I was unprepared, so this is what he came up with.  It's a frog.  I made him a lunch that matched today, so I'll try to post it sometime too.

I made this a while ago, but just loved it and had to share it!

This was a very tasty dinner.  I'll share the recipe below, to the best of my ability.  I made it up and didn't write it down.  This is the big kid version.

This is the one year old version.

These were quesadilla.  I made a filling of canned black beans that I pureed  and to that added sour cream and cumin.  Then I mixed shredded cheddar cheese and a carrot puree.  I spread the bean mixture on a tortilla then topped it with the cheese mixture and  put the top tortilla on.  Then I baked it in the oven, I'm guessing at 350^ until the filling was melted and they were a bit browned.

Sorry for the lousy directions, but I really don't remember exactly what I did or amounts I used, but they were really good!!! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Random Organization

I enjoy organizing pretty much anything I can.  Lets face it. It usually makes things so much trying to figure out just what kind of treat you really want!!!.  In my attempts at organization, I try to do it as inexpensively as possible, so I try to use things I already have.  If the need arises, I will go out and buy something...if I really have to. 

Here you can see, first, we have WAY to much candy in our home. This is after Christmas and we still had some Halloween suckers hanging around, as well as a mighty fine PEZ collection. So, I found a tub that we weren't using and added some plastic cottage cheese and sour cream containers to hold the loot.  Now it is much easier to see what we have and easier to pitch what we don't need...well, you know what I mean.

I also have a very very small cutlery drawer.  With all the kids stuff as well as everything else that belonged in there I had a mess most of the time and it drove me crazy.  I have had these lovely green baskets in there for quite a while (I believe I acquired them when I was in high school...I'm telling you, I use what I have).  They work out great to hold knives measuring spoons, can opener, etc. and they fit perfectly.  But the kiddo's plastic-ware was always floating all over the drawer.  I finally came up with using Velveeta cheese boxes to hold them.  It has worked perfectly and keep my drawer much neater and it is easy for my 3 year old to help me put away the silverware.                                                                
Gotta love FREE organizing. Now...what else can I use Velveeta Cheese Boxes for...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Date Night...Friday Night

So I'm looking forward to tonight.  We are having an, after the kids go to bed, date night.  For Valentines day I usually don't buy gifts, I try to make them.  For Keith this year, thanks to Pinterest, I came up with a couple good ideas for him. He LOVES chocolate chip cookie dough, so first, I made him these...

Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough Truffles
you can find the recipe here:

Well, not these actual ones.  I did attempt to shape them into hearts.  They turned out pretty cute.  I'm not sure why I didn't get a picture.  Oh well.  I guess they were gone to quickly!

Second, I gave him an envelope full of 12, pre-planned date nights.  One per month.  He has been really busy at work so we are just now getting to February.  Most of my ideas are inexpensive and some of them, we just stay in.  No babysitter needed.

Our plan for tonight is to stay in, snack on Creamy Hazelnut Dip which was made with Nutella.  You can never go wrong with Nutella. We are also going to plan our "dream" weekend getaway...if only it weren't a dream.  Oh well.  I think we are going to check out Canada...some day maybe.  At least we will know where we want to stay if that day ever comes! to play Wii with the boys.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Training Up Children

One major thing that has been on my heart lately, well, really for over 6 years now - how to raise up children who truly love the Lord.  I know, even in this question, I have to trust God that he will reveal Himself to them, but I also know what Proverbs 22:6 says...
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (NASB)
So how do I do this???
Sorry, this post is not going to answer that question, but hopefully give some encouragement.  I'm going to tell you about my 5 year old (soon to be 6...I have to add) and the encouragement he has been to me in this major quest.

For a few years now, I have felt that God was working in the heart of our little guy.  I could see things clicking, as much as they could for a child his age, in his understanding of God's plan of salvation.  I will never forget reading the Disney version of the Christmas Carol (in the summer, might I add) with him and he being so worried about being like Jacob Marley (in chains forever).  He understood that he was not always good (that he sinned)  and that he needed help.  Well, that was about 2 years ago and as I have watched him grow in understanding it has been so exciting.  We do Awana and he learns all his verses and listens to Bible stories and attends Sunday School and Children's Church.  But I was wanting to make studying God's word, more of everyday thing in our home with the boys, especially, the oldest.  Getting into that routine and knowing what and how to study with children so young was challenging for me, but what kick started it was Christmas.

I really try hard to make sure the boys truly understand Christmas for what it really is and not just for all the gifts, etc...  Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE Christmas.  I enjoy it and most of what goes with it, but most importantly, it's remembering that it is about Jesus coming to earth FOR US.  I am guilty of falling into the trap of commercialism, but I wanted to try my hardest to teach the kids the truths of Christmas.  So I did a daily bible study with them and we read from the "real" bible, not a children's bible and then we would discuss it.  (I'm not going to go into detail on this now, if you wand more information I posted it on my family blog site with each daily activity.)  My oldest loved this and just ate it up.  He wanted to know more every day.  He actually asked, so what will we be studying in January?  So it began, in January we studied prayer.  I did not do anything real formal.  We would just get out my bible and read what it had to say about prayer and then discuss what we felt God was trying to teach us.  No rocket science and because I'm teaching a 5 year old I didn't feel like I had to be a theologian.  Again, he asked, so what are we studying in February, "I really want to learn about Love"?  Well, I said, that sounds like a good topic for February.  And so we are currently studying what the Bible says about love (Song of Solomon excluded).

He is just drinking in God's Word and what it has to teach him.  I can see what he is learning, playing out in his life and attitude.  He wants to get out and tell others about Christ and desires to continue to grow and learn.

He asked for a bible like mine for his Birthday, which is coming up next month.  What a joy it is to see God grab a hold of a 5 year old's heart.

I have been shown so many things through this experience...

  • Trust God, he can do amazing things
  • Do depend on your own capabilities, let God take care of the details, just do what He has told us to do 
  • I am reminded of the feeling of joy when I first understood God's plan of Salvation and the desire I had to read and learn more and more...and why do I not ALWAYS have that joy.  His truth hasn't changed!
  • Pray, PRAY and continue to PRAY!!!
  • Study His word so I can continue to learn what He wants from me
  • Have discussions with my's amazing what God can teach me though them!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Space Craft

This is one craft project that the boys LOVED!!! My guys are into space, planets, etc...and I found a great idea here.  We added to it a bit.

This was really easy too AND I didn't have to go get any special supplies...which I love.

First take round coffee filters and color them with markers.  The example I looked at was for earth, but we decided to do different planets.  (my 3 year old just colored).  Once you have them all colored then you just spray them with water from a spray bottle (use the fine mist).  It is really fun to watch all the colors blend together.  (Sorry I don't have a picture of that).  I would recommend doing this on place mats or something that you can wash up easily.

Then, I hung them in to dry (there will be a bit of color dripping depending on how wet you get them).  They don't take long to dry.

Once they are dry they look pretty neat.  Here is Jupiter, Earth and a Meteor (aka Meat-eater)

While the planets were drying we made rocket ships.  To make these, we covered a TP roll with construction paper put wings on and a cone out of paper for the top.  Pretty basic, but the best part was the fire.  We did the same thing as the planets, but colored these red, orange and yellow. When they were dry I taped them inside the bottom of the tube.  Then the fire could go in and out and my 5 year old loved this.  Then he could make it "blast off".  I pretty much let the boys do them.  I helped my 3 year old a bit more, but they both had a great time flying the rockets around the planets.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our Favorite Banana Muffins

I Love Banana Bread and Muffins. After much searching I found this recipe that I really like. It is simple, easy to make and very tasty. I have made them as the recipe called for as well as with the substitutions listed below and they turned out well both ways.

Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!!

  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour ( I have also used white wheat flour)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 medium ripe bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil ( I have also used apple sauce)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients. In another bowl, mash the bananas. Add egg, oil and vanilla; mix well. Stir into the dry ingredients just until moistened. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups half full.
  • Bake at 375° for 18-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes; remove from pan to a wire rack to cool completely. Yield: 1 dozen.

Nutritional Facts1 serving (1 each) equals 209 calories, 7 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 18 mg cholesterol, 209 mg sodium, 36 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 2 g protein.
Originally published as Basic Banana Muffins in Taste of Home December/January 1998, p14

Monday, February 20, 2012

Laundry...You've gotta do it!

I do not enjoy doing laundry, but I realize I don't really have a choice in the has to be done.  After many years of getting very behind on laundry week after week I came up with something that works for me.  Not promising that it will work for everyone, and I'm sure some will think, DUH!!! I've always done that, it just makes sense, but I guess I'm slow learning sometime.  Anyhow, I made up a laundry schedule.  Here is how it works...

  • Monday........Boys Clothes
  • Tuesday........Our Darks
  • Wednesday...Towels
  • Thursday.......Boys Clothes
  • Friday...........Our Whites, 
  • Saturday.......Sheets
Then I have a Misc. that I do when I can or need to: Coats, Blankets, Slip Covers, Bedding etc...

I have found that if I stick to this, it make the task of laundry much less overwhelming.  Even if I get a day behind, I just start where I left off.  Sometime, I have to do two loads a day if I get behind, but that's better than when I would be a week behind and not know where to start.

I like doing my towels on Wednesdays.  They are the quickest and easiest to fold, so if I am behind the towels are a good thing to have in the middle  I will also throw my towels in other time of the week if I have a light load.

As far as the boys clothes, I don't separate the lights and darks unless it's something that I am concerned about.  If that is the case, I put it in with our stuff or use a color catcher.    

Folding is my weak point.  I have found that when my closets and dressers are more organized, then folding and putting away clothes is so much less daunting.

I don't have the most glamours laundry room, but it works.  I don't have a picture of it, but I do have an idea of what I would like it to look like some day, or at least similar.



Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day

Here are some fun (and easy) things we did for Valentine's Day this year.
Brownie Pops using the Wilton Brownie Pops Pan dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. Great after school snack!

Valentine Hearts decorated with random stuff from around the house.  Super easy and the kids loved it!

the boys, boys, valentines

the boys, girls, valentines

some more yummy stuff...sugar cookies with butter cream icing and candy

chocolate cupcakes with cherry butter cream icing

valentine's day breakfast

valentine's day lunch
(sorry for the picture quality of the last two pictures...valentine's day was dreary, but only outside)
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Paper Heart Doilies on Twine
Super Easy and Inexpensive Decorating

Thursday, February 16, 2012


As I begin this new blogging venture I figured I would start out with one of the things that has been a work in progress in my life for a while now.  Thinking on how to experience true joy in the Lord is something I desire for myself as well as my family, and I know it is what God desires for me.  So...  

What is true joy and how & when do we we experience it? 1 Thessalonians 5 v. 16-18 says; "be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus." So the true question is how do we be joyful always? I mean, what does true joy look like? I find "joy" in many things, a lot of them quite silly. A clean bathroom, an organized cabinet, yes, cleaning brings me joy. Watching my children laugh, accomplish something new or just give me a hug and tell me they love me, joy. I know God wants us to take joy in all these things, but I believe there is something more that He wants us to take joy in. It is simple and complicated (at least to me) at the same time. He wants us to take joy in Him. Sounds simple enough. So now, how do we do that? I can take joy in things He has created and in abilities he has given me, but how do I take joy in Him?

So, I'm thinking that in order to do this, for starters, I need to be serving Him more. Going out and being fishers of men. Those, that we are able to partake in their being lead to Christ, should bring us so much joy. There are so many ways in which I can do this - it's just getting out there and doing it. Why don't I do this more? I do feel fortunate that God has allowed me to have 3 wonderful boys.  I get to work on this every day with them and I do have joy in this! Watching them this morning sitting on my bed, they each had their own bible looking at the stories and asking me questions. This bring me true joy. Knowing that God is working in those small boys lives and that he is allowing me to be part of that! I just pray more and more every day for the ability to "be joyful always"! This is just the tip of the iceberg and I pray that God will continue to show me how I can be a part of advancing His kingdom and receiving the eternal joy that is a part of that, and, seeing the simple and silly joys that God has blessed me with every day!


About Me

wife to an incredible man; mom to 3 amazing boys; trying to live life joyfully; and loving my savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy crafting, decorating, cooking comfort food, planning parties & singing. I love, that I get to stay home to train up my little ones in the Lord, spending time with my husband, spending time with family and friends, spending time with God. I desire to be serving the Lord in all I do, discipling others as I continue to grow, be a fisher of men. Constantly trying to prioritize...and rejoicing in Him!