Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day

Here are some fun (and easy) things we did for Valentine's Day this year.
Brownie Pops using the Wilton Brownie Pops Pan dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. Great after school snack!

Valentine Hearts decorated with random stuff from around the house.  Super easy and the kids loved it!

the boys, boys, valentines

the boys, girls, valentines

some more yummy stuff...sugar cookies with butter cream icing and candy

chocolate cupcakes with cherry butter cream icing

valentine's day breakfast

valentine's day lunch
(sorry for the picture quality of the last two pictures...valentine's day was dreary, but only outside)
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Paper Heart Doilies on Twine
Super Easy and Inexpensive Decorating

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About Me

wife to an incredible man; mom to 3 amazing boys; trying to live life joyfully; and loving my savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy crafting, decorating, cooking comfort food, planning parties & singing. I love, that I get to stay home to train up my little ones in the Lord, spending time with my husband, spending time with family and friends, spending time with God. I desire to be serving the Lord in all I do, discipling others as I continue to grow, be a fisher of men. Constantly trying to prioritize...and rejoicing in Him!