Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Space Craft

This is one craft project that the boys LOVED!!! My guys are into space, planets, etc...and I found a great idea here.  We added to it a bit.

This was really easy too AND I didn't have to go get any special supplies...which I love.

First take round coffee filters and color them with markers.  The example I looked at was for earth, but we decided to do different planets.  (my 3 year old just colored).  Once you have them all colored then you just spray them with water from a spray bottle (use the fine mist).  It is really fun to watch all the colors blend together.  (Sorry I don't have a picture of that).  I would recommend doing this on place mats or something that you can wash up easily.

Then, I hung them in to dry (there will be a bit of color dripping depending on how wet you get them).  They don't take long to dry.

Once they are dry they look pretty neat.  Here is Jupiter, Earth and a Meteor (aka Meat-eater)

While the planets were drying we made rocket ships.  To make these, we covered a TP roll with construction paper put wings on and a cone out of paper for the top.  Pretty basic, but the best part was the fire.  We did the same thing as the planets, but colored these red, orange and yellow. When they were dry I taped them inside the bottom of the tube.  Then the fire could go in and out and my 5 year old loved this.  Then he could make it "blast off".  I pretty much let the boys do them.  I helped my 3 year old a bit more, but they both had a great time flying the rockets around the planets.

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About Me

wife to an incredible man; mom to 3 amazing boys; trying to live life joyfully; and loving my savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy crafting, decorating, cooking comfort food, planning parties & singing. I love, that I get to stay home to train up my little ones in the Lord, spending time with my husband, spending time with family and friends, spending time with God. I desire to be serving the Lord in all I do, discipling others as I continue to grow, be a fisher of men. Constantly trying to prioritize...and rejoicing in Him!