Friday, March 23, 2012


I did an updating project on something I had wanted to change out for a while, but just wasn't sure what to do and didn't want to spend a fortune. I am so sorry. I forgot to take a before picture, so the best I could find was a picture I took of birthday decorations, but you can see the before of the project in the picture too... It is the vine and candle thing (I'm not sure what you call it?)

This is what the container started out like.
when all else fails...paint it white, right?
I found the grass in the Easter decorations and really liked it, added the flameless candle with timer
back in with some fun paper and twine
and there you have it
barely any time or money and looks much more updated to me! 

Sorry for the poor pictures, but hey, my living room looks better!!!


I have been thinking a lot about priorities this year.  It was my "New Year's Resolution" if you want to call it that.  Anyhow, I am doing a study of "Lies Women Believe and the Truth that sets them Free" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and the chapter this week is on just that, Priorities.  It was encouraging and convicting all at the same time.
  One of the lies talked about was not having enough time to get everything done that we need to.  There's just not enough time in the day.  I have to say I believe and live by this lie daily.  I often leave out some of the most important things to get the not so important things accomplished.  God knowingly gave us 24 hours in a day.  The book talked about the fact that we need to focus on those things that God has called us to do and to be a priority, not to do all things! Psalm 90:12 says:
Teach us to number our days, 
   that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
We need to use our time wisely, but how...

 This gets us to the second lie that was very convicting.  Believing that we will be okay if we do not spend time with Him daily.  I know in my mind and heart that this is not true, but due to putting other things higher on the priority list (which really don't belong in a higher place) I find myself "running out of time" in the day to do everything, including spending time in the word and in prayer.

I know that if I spent more time communicating with God, in the morning especially, about what my priorities should be for that day, I would find more than enough time to do all the things I have been called to do that day.  Taking the time to seek out what God has planned for me and making that my priority is how I need to focus my day.

I also need to remember what season of life I am in.  I am a wife and mother to young children and I have been fortunate to get to stay home daily with my boys.  I have been called to be a Proverbs 31 women.  I get to raise children that will one day be men of God if it is His will.  In this time I am called to be show hospitality, wash the feet of the Lord's people (I'm hoping there is something else I can do equally loving) , help those in trouble and devote myself to all kinds of good deeds.  What awesome things I have been called to.

I better get praying and see what great things God has in plan for me, so I don't start trying to make my own To Do lists and run out of time for the really great stuff!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

CaKe ANyOnE?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I've been working on Birthday Party things and other fun stuff...Anyhow, this was the first year that my oldest didn't have a big family birthday.  He had a couple friends stay the night, but I still had to make him a cake and this was his choice.  A Monster cake.  I was happy with how it turned out.  I love making cakes for my boys birthday's.  
Here are all the cakes I have made in the years past...
6 year old wants a Monster Cake
I got my inspiration here

One year Old in a Flash

Train Birthday for a 3 year old
5 Year Old Dinosaur
Barn Yard for a 2 year old
my inspiration
4 Year Old Retro Cowboy
Cute as a Bug 1 year old
Noddy for a 3 Year Old
Train in a Tunnel for a 2 year old
A Monkey Birthday for a 1 year old
My Inspiration 
I CANNOT believe I have made this many cakes or that I have a 6 year old.  I can remember making this Monkey cake like it was yesterday, not 5 years ago.

Well, if you have a birthday coming up, hope you have a fun cake to celebrate with.  And if you have to make a cake for someones birthday, hope this give you some inspiration!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A little of this and that...

Here are a few fun things I've been up to with the boys...

My 3 year old likes variety at lunch so I love the idea of the muffin tin lunches. He thought it was fun too, and they are so easy to make!
The boys and I made these rainbows for St. Patrick's Day.  They were fun and easy.  I cut out a rainbow form out of card stock.
I then cut up paper into small pieces and then the boys helped me crinkle them up.  We then glued them onto the card stock and added cotton balls for the clouds.

This was a "silly snack" I made the boys after school the other day.  It is a hard boiled egg cut in half.  I used strawberries for the ears and a food safe marker for the eyes and a chive tail (which you can't see, but it worked well).  And, of course, cheese!  They thought this was pretty cool.

Enough fun for one day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

rhubarb oatmeal muffins

I got some fresh rhubarb the other day and wanted to try something new and found this muffins recipe. I love muffins and so do the boys. They make easy breakfasts; however, this was not my oldest's favorite. He said they were to sour. I really liked them and so did the rest of us.
rhubarb oatmeal muffins 

In a small bowl, whisk together:

1 cup milk
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup oil
1 egg

In a large bowl, combine:
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cups brown sugar
1 cup rolled oats
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients, pour in the wet ingredients and mix until evenly combined.

Fold in 2 cups chopped rhubarb.

Bake in a 350 oven for 30 minutes.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A is for Apple...

I have begun working on the letters with my 3 year old. He knows most of them and their sounds, but this way I am hoping they will really stick. We are working on recognizing and writing the upper and lower case. Practicing the sounds they make and words that start with each letter.  This has been fun so far.  I'm only on "A" though.  I think he is enjoying it.  We pick out books to go with the letter and then I try to adapt the craft to it.  Here is what we did for letter A...

we read "Alligator Boy"

We made an Alligator with the letter "A"

He turned out pretty cute

We also read "The Apple Pie Tree"
This was a great book.  He really enjoyed it!
We made an apple with the lower case "a"

It turned out well too; although, he said it didn't look like an apple...I think it did???
Our upper and lower case letter "A"

I also made him an "A" lunch.  Airplane sandwich, "A" cheese on pretzels, an apple and yogurt with animal sprinkles
The we read the letter "A" section from the above book, which my cousin wrote and illustrated for the boys (she did an amazing job too, which you will see!!!)

and if you read the book, "Apple Pie Tree" you have to make apple pie
Yummy!!!  All 3 Boys loved this.  Now, on to letter "B"
If you are interested in the recipe for the apple pies here it is to the best of my ability.  I kind of made it up as I went along:

The Crust
4 C. All-Purpose flour
1 1/2 C. lard or shortening
1 t. baking powder
1 T. brown sugar
1 t. salt
In a bowl mix:
1 egg
1 T. vinegar
1/2 c. ice water

Mix dry ingredients, and add shortening; mix until pea sized, by hand or in a food processor.  Add mixed liquids until a ball forms.  Form into a log and divide into 4 pieces, making 4 crusts.

I cut this in half for what I made and it made 4 of the above pies.  I rolled the dough and used a bowl and cut the dough into circles (I guess you could also just roll out 4 circles, but mine don't ever turn out in perfect circles)

The Filling
3 Medium apples - Pealed and Diced
1 T. butter
2 T. brown sugar
1 1/2 t. cinnamon

Melt the butter on low heat and add the brown sugar and cinnamon until dissolved.  Add in apples and cook until slightly tender.

Spoon the filling onto half of the circle and then fold over.  Crimp the edges with a fork and poke a few holes in the top.  Brush them with milk and if you choose, top them with sugar.

Bake at 350^ until golden.  (This is where I'm not sure.  I'm guessing they were in there 15-17 minutes.)

We topped them with the small bit of left over filling we had!


Thursday, March 8, 2012


After my post last Thursday, it got me thinking that I don't take the time to think.  There are so many times that I come across a question that I feel, if I only had time to really think about that...  Whether it be at church, small group, while reading and doing my quite times etc...  I need to take the time to think about the information that I am studying and process it so I can apply it to my life more relevantly.  So often I think to myself this verse:

Proverbs 31:27 
She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.
But I need to remember this also:
Psalm 1:2-3
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. 3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by [b]streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its [c]leaf does not wither; And [d]in whatever he does, he prospers. 
So I looked into this word, idle.  In my mind it meant being still, not active, etc...which is true to an extent; however; the way this word is used in its original context of Hebrew, translates to laziness; meaning a lazy lifestyle.  I then looked into the word meditate and it said "serious contemplation".

I need to take the time to sit and meditate on what God is teaching me and remember that this is not a lazy act, but something I have been told to do many times though out scripture.  I am going to try to take one thought or question a week, because I know baby steps for me work so much better than trying to think of anything and everything I have ever wanted to ponder.  I am not a good thinker, I am easily distracted and discouraged, so I will be leaning on the Holy Spirit for understanding.  How glad I am to know I have God with me always guiding even my thoughts if I just trust and ask Him to lead.

We will see how this goes!  Oh, my brain hurts...I better go to bed, I'm going to need more rest if I plan on thinking more...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fish Cakes...

I was looking for new recipes for tilapia and this is one I found that the entire family really liked!!!
Fish Cakes...who would have thought that my boys would like this, but they really were very yummy and easy. Here is the recipe:

Dijon Fish Cakes from



  1. Heat oven to 400° F. Place the tilapia on a rimmed baking sheet and season with ¾ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Bake until cooked through, 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool and flake into small pieces.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the mayonnaise, eggs, dill, and 1 tablespoon of the mustard. Fold in the tilapia and panko. Form the mixture into 8 cakes and chill for at least 30 minutes. Heat the canola oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook the tilapia cakes until golden, 3 to 5 minutes per side.
  3. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, the remaining 1 teaspoon of mustard, ½ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Add the salad greens and toss to combine. Serve with the fish cakes.
I partnered them with green beans and garlic buttered noodles.  

I will be making these again for sure. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Linen Closets...

So as I had said, I'm starting my spring cleaning...yeah!  I love this time of year!  This year I have taken a room a day.  At least for the easy ones (bedrooms).  Now this does not include the closets other than vacuuming and dusting.  But I made it to the linen closet on Wednesday and got it all sorted, pitched old meds, etc.  But I still can't help but think it looks cluttered.  I'm thinking I need to find or make some nicer (more camouflaging) storage  Here are some closets I found that are giving me some inspiration...



See, it needs help.  It is organized, but ugly not to mention the wash cloths.  I let my 3 year old fold them and I don't have the heart to refold them, they are after all just wash cloths, but it does drive me crazy.  I get a bit of a perfectionist streak from a certain side of the family, not naming any names or anything.  Anyhow, I'll see what I can come up with.  Hopefully something that looks more like the above!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Is is Summer Yet???

So I am usually a huge fan of winter.  I like being cozy in my home with my guys looking at all the beautiful snow.  I know most everyone else is cringing, but it's true.  Anyhow, this winter has not been a typical winter and we have not had much snow to speak of and it has made me ready to move on.  To make matters worse, at the Mom's group I attend at my church we were talking about gardening and canning.  So I am ready to go.  My Dad and Mom do a great job canning and freezing the many vegis and fruits they get, so I have never really had to, but this year I really want to do it.  I know the basics but I'm ready to go the whole way canning and freezing stuff this year.  If Mom or Dad are reading this, you're going to have to teach me!!! Sorry!  So I've done a little research and want to try some of these things...
I would love my pantry to look like this, this fall...

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the summer brings!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trying to be more Mary...

I feel very blessed in my life and the role I get to play as wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc...  I love that I am able to stay home and care for my family, do activities with my boys and cook for my husband; however, I find that often I forget that I am first a follower of Christ.  How easy it is for me to get wrapped up in all I "have" to do that day.  I struggle taking the time to sit and be still, listening to what my Lord has to say to me.  My "quite" times usually take place with the sounds of boys getting ready in the morning and the hurriedness that brings.  I have felt the Lord saying to me, as he said to Martha in Luke 10:41...
But the Lord answered and said to her, Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things...(NASB)
After reading the entire text in context Luke 10:40-42
40 But Martha was distracted with [a]all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered and said to her, Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (NASB)
I feel that I am often so busy with preparations, that I do not take the time to choose the good part.  I know that God is not calling me to stop all I do and spend the day sitting in silent pray.  He has called me to be a wife, mother, daughter, friend, etc..., however, He has first called me to follow Him.  I know that I need to get back into the way of getting up early to spend time in truly quiet prayer, meditation and study.  Only then will I be able to truly hear what he is saying.  I also need to slow down and talk with Him throughout the day because all the preparations in the world will not mean a thing for eternity, but, taking time to listen to God and serve Him as he has called me shall not be taken away from me.

I truly wish to have the small goal of just getting up 30 minutes earlier a day as a start.  Hopefully this will spur on a more proper perspective of my other roles and allow me to be more effective in all my Martha-ness.


About Me

wife to an incredible man; mom to 3 amazing boys; trying to live life joyfully; and loving my savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy crafting, decorating, cooking comfort food, planning parties & singing. I love, that I get to stay home to train up my little ones in the Lord, spending time with my husband, spending time with family and friends, spending time with God. I desire to be serving the Lord in all I do, discipling others as I continue to grow, be a fisher of men. Constantly trying to prioritize...and rejoicing in Him!