Friday, March 23, 2012


I have been thinking a lot about priorities this year.  It was my "New Year's Resolution" if you want to call it that.  Anyhow, I am doing a study of "Lies Women Believe and the Truth that sets them Free" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and the chapter this week is on just that, Priorities.  It was encouraging and convicting all at the same time.
  One of the lies talked about was not having enough time to get everything done that we need to.  There's just not enough time in the day.  I have to say I believe and live by this lie daily.  I often leave out some of the most important things to get the not so important things accomplished.  God knowingly gave us 24 hours in a day.  The book talked about the fact that we need to focus on those things that God has called us to do and to be a priority, not to do all things! Psalm 90:12 says:
Teach us to number our days, 
   that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
We need to use our time wisely, but how...

 This gets us to the second lie that was very convicting.  Believing that we will be okay if we do not spend time with Him daily.  I know in my mind and heart that this is not true, but due to putting other things higher on the priority list (which really don't belong in a higher place) I find myself "running out of time" in the day to do everything, including spending time in the word and in prayer.

I know that if I spent more time communicating with God, in the morning especially, about what my priorities should be for that day, I would find more than enough time to do all the things I have been called to do that day.  Taking the time to seek out what God has planned for me and making that my priority is how I need to focus my day.

I also need to remember what season of life I am in.  I am a wife and mother to young children and I have been fortunate to get to stay home daily with my boys.  I have been called to be a Proverbs 31 women.  I get to raise children that will one day be men of God if it is His will.  In this time I am called to be show hospitality, wash the feet of the Lord's people (I'm hoping there is something else I can do equally loving) , help those in trouble and devote myself to all kinds of good deeds.  What awesome things I have been called to.

I better get praying and see what great things God has in plan for me, so I don't start trying to make my own To Do lists and run out of time for the really great stuff!

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About Me

wife to an incredible man; mom to 3 amazing boys; trying to live life joyfully; and loving my savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy crafting, decorating, cooking comfort food, planning parties & singing. I love, that I get to stay home to train up my little ones in the Lord, spending time with my husband, spending time with family and friends, spending time with God. I desire to be serving the Lord in all I do, discipling others as I continue to grow, be a fisher of men. Constantly trying to prioritize...and rejoicing in Him!