Tuesday, March 13, 2012

rhubarb oatmeal muffins

I got some fresh rhubarb the other day and wanted to try something new and found this muffins recipe. I love muffins and so do the boys. They make easy breakfasts; however, this was not my oldest's favorite. He said they were to sour. I really liked them and so did the rest of us.
rhubarb oatmeal muffins 

In a small bowl, whisk together:

1 cup milk
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup oil
1 egg

In a large bowl, combine:
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cups brown sugar
1 cup rolled oats
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients, pour in the wet ingredients and mix until evenly combined.

Fold in 2 cups chopped rhubarb.

Bake in a 350 oven for 30 minutes.

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About Me

wife to an incredible man; mom to 3 amazing boys; trying to live life joyfully; and loving my savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy crafting, decorating, cooking comfort food, planning parties & singing. I love, that I get to stay home to train up my little ones in the Lord, spending time with my husband, spending time with family and friends, spending time with God. I desire to be serving the Lord in all I do, discipling others as I continue to grow, be a fisher of men. Constantly trying to prioritize...and rejoicing in Him!